Having Fun! Downloadable Doodles
Been having fun with odd doodles – some of which may make it into books and some may not – not sure, yet – but will put some here for you to play with as well as showing some I have done 😉 – To access an image RIGHT click on it with your mouse (or hold down with your finger) and a list of options will pop up, choose open in a new tab (so you get the largest version). On the new tab – right click and save image – Have fun and don’t forget you can add the finished pictures to any Amazon reviews of the books – just saying 🙂 🙂 🙂 – but if you use it anywhere, please don’t forget to mention that I drew it xxx
Here are what I think they might look like finished – but you might do them very differently 🙂

I would love to see any of my sketches that you have coloured and finished – you can send them to me here (but they need to be under 2Mb)